Purchase for a Friend
Remote Installation
GamBlock® can be purchased on a local device and be activated on remote devices. Our staff can help your loved one or friend install GamBlock® with our remote installation assistance.
I cannot purchase GamBlock®
If you are unable to purchase GamBlock® via PayPal, Wise, Electronic Funds Transfer or one of our other payment methods, please ask another person to purchase GamBlock® without downloading GamBlock®, send us an email containing the Transaction ID. We will then send you installation instructions.
I wish to purchase GamBlock® for someone else
If you would like to purchase GamBlock® for your loved one or someone else, please purchase GamBlock® here without downloading GamBlock® on your own system/s. You will receive an email with instructions, which should not be followed on your own system/s. Send the person who needs protection the instructions and then send us an email at [email protected] including your Transaction ID and the person you are helping's email address, so we know who they are if they contact us.
Some Android products usually need to be purchased on the device they will be installed on. In this case, go to "Special Purchase" here and pay the amount corresponding with the products you require. Then send us your Transaction ID and the person you are helping's email address and we will send them installation instructions.
Some products are installed by us remotely. In this case, send us your Transaction ID and the person you are helping's email address and we will install GamBlock® for them.
Please contact us if you have any questions.